Bowery Coffee

Can you drink coffee on ProLon? Answered!

Welcome, health enthusiasts! If you’re on a journey to optimal well-being, you might have come across the ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD). This revolutionary approach to fasting has gained popularity for its potential health benefits.

However, a common question that arises is whether coffee is permitted during the ProLon protocol. Today, we’re diving deep into this question to provide you with the information you need.

Can you drink coffee on Prolon?

Can you drink coffee on Prolon

If coffee is allowed on your specific ProLon cycle, it’s typically recommended to consume it black, without adding any sugar, cream, or other calorie-containing additives. This is to ensure that you stay within the restricted calorie intake during the fasting-mimicking diet.

To get the most accurate and current information, refer to the materials provided with your ProLon kit or contact ProLon’s customer support. If you have any specific health concerns or conditions, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet, including during fasting periods.

What is the average weight loss on ProLon?

What is the average weight loss on ProLon

ProLon is a commercial fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) that is designed to provide the benefits of fasting while still allowing for some food intake. It typically involves a 5-day cycle of a specific combination of foods. The goal is to promote cellular renewal and metabolic health.

The weight loss experienced during a ProLon cycle can vary from person to person, and individual results depend on various factors such as starting weight, metabolism, and adherence to the program. On average, individuals may experience a weight loss of a few pounds during the 5-day cycle.

It’s important to note that much of this initial weight loss is likely due to a reduction in water weight and the temporary restriction of calorie intake.

Can you drink as much water as you want on ProLon?

Can you drink as much water as you want on ProLon

Yes, on the ProLon fasting-mimicking diet, it is generally recommended to stay well-hydrated by drinking water. Adequate hydration is essential for overall health and can help support the body during periods of reduced calorie intake.

While water is encouraged, it’s important to note that other beverages, especially those with calories or sugars, may not be recommended during the fasting days of the ProLon cycle.

The primary goal of ProLon is to provide the benefits of fasting, and consuming beverages with calories could interfere with the intended metabolic effects.

What happens if you don’t like olives on ProLon?

What happens if you don't like olives on ProLon

ProLon, the fasting-mimicking diet, comes with a specific set of meals and snacks for each day of the program. Olives are one of the components in some of the meals. If you don’t like olives or have dietary restrictions related to them, you should follow the guidelines provided by the ProLon program.

If you find it challenging to consume olives during the ProLon cycle, you may want to reach out to the program’s customer support or consult with a healthcare professional for guidance. It’s possible that they may be able to provide alternatives or adjustments to accommodate your preferences or dietary restrictions.

It’s important to stick as closely as possible to the recommended foods during the ProLon program to ensure that you are getting the intended benefits of the fasting-mimicking diet. Making significant deviations from the prescribed plan may impact the metabolic and cellular effects that the program aims to achieve. 

What else can you have on ProLon?

The ProLon fasting-mimicking diet is a structured program designed to provide specific meals and snacks for each day of the 5-day cycle. It is crucial to follow the program guidelines closely to achieve the intended metabolic and cellular effects. Deviating from the prescribed plan may impact the benefits of the fasting-mimicking diet.

The ProLon kit includes plant-based, nutrient-dense foods in precise proportions. It typically includes items such as soups, energy bars, crackers, olives, and beverages, among other components. The goal is to provide a low-calorie, carefully formulated combination of nutrients that help support the body’s response to fasting.

It’s important not to add other foods or beverages to the ProLon plan, as this could disrupt the balance of nutrients and the desired physiological effects. The program is designed to be a comprehensive and specific dietary approach during the fasting-mimicking days.

If you have specific dietary concerns or preferences, it’s recommended to reach out to ProLon’s customer support for guidance or consult with a healthcare professional to determine if the program is suitable for your individual needs and how it might be adapted. 

How much caffeine is allowed on ProLon?

ProLon, the fasting-mimicking diet, provides specific guidelines for its participants, including recommendations regarding caffeine intake. While the exact amount of caffeine allowed can depend on the specific ProLon cycle and any updates to the program, it generally advises limiting caffeine intake to a certain amount.

Typically, ProLon allows for a modest amount of caffeine, often in the form of green tea. The exact quantity may vary, so it’s essential to refer to the guidelines provided with the ProLon kit for the specific cycle you are following.

Can I have black coffee while on ProLon fast?

Can I have black coffee while on ProLon fast

The ProLon fasting-mimicking diet guidelines allowed for limited caffeine intake, often in the form of green tea. However, it’s essential to check the specific guidelines provided with your ProLon kit for the most up-to-date information.

Black coffee is generally low in calories and may be a suitable beverage during fasting periods. If ProLon permits black coffee, it’s essential to consume it without adding any sugar, cream, or other calorie-containing additives, as these could interfere with the goals of the fasting-mimicking diet.

Benefits of Drinking Coffee on Prolon

While the ProLon fasting-mimicking diet is designed to provide specific benefits on its own, incorporating black coffee, if allowed according to the program’s guidelines, can have additional advantages during the fasting period. Here are some potential benefits of drinking black coffee on ProLon:

  1. Appetite Suppression: Caffeine, present in coffee, is known to have mild appetite-suppressant effects. This may help individuals adhere to the restricted calorie intake during the fasting-mimicking diet.
  2. Improved Mental Alertness: Coffee contains caffeine, a natural stimulant that can enhance alertness and concentration. This could be particularly beneficial during a fasting period when some individuals may experience temporary declines in energy.
  3. Enhanced Fat Metabolism: Caffeine has been shown to stimulate the breakdown of body fat, potentially aiding in the utilization of stored fat for energy. This aligns with the goals of the fasting-mimicking diet, which aims to promote metabolic benefits.
  4. Antioxidant Properties: Coffee is rich in antioxidants, which may help combat oxidative stress and inflammation. This aligns with the overall health-promoting goals of ProLon.
  5. Mood Enhancement: Coffee consumption has been linked to improvements in mood and a reduction in the risk of depression. This can be valuable during a fasting period when individuals may experience fluctuations in mood.

It’s important to note that while black coffee can offer these potential benefits, individual responses to caffeine can vary. Additionally, adherence to the specific ProLon program guidelines is crucial to achieve the desired metabolic and cellular effects. Before incorporating coffee or making significant changes to your diet, especially during fasting periods.

How does coffee interfere with ProLon?

If coffee is allowed on your specific ProLon cycle, it’s usually recommended to consume it black, without adding any sugar, cream, or other calorie-containing additives. The rationale behind this recommendation is to ensure that you stay within the restricted calorie intake during the fasting-mimicking diet.

While moderate coffee consumption can have potential benefits, excessive caffeine intake, or adding high-calorie ingredients to your coffee, could potentially interfere with the goals of the ProLon program. Here are a few considerations:

  1. Caloric Content: Adding sugar, cream, or other high-calorie ingredients to your coffee could contribute to an increase in calorie intake, which may disrupt the specific caloric restrictions of the fasting-mimicking diet.
  2. Insulin Response: Some studies suggest that caffeine may impact insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. While this can have potential benefits, it’s important to maintain the delicate balance intended by the ProLon program.

To get the most accurate and current information, refer to the materials provided with your ProLon kit or contact ProLon’s customer support.

What can you drink while on ProLon?

The ProLon fasting-mimicking diet provides specific guidelines on what you can drink during the program. While the details may vary slightly depending on the specific ProLon cycle, here are some common beverages that are typically allowed:

  1. Water: Staying well-hydrated is essential during the ProLon fasting-mimicking diet, and water is generally encouraged.
  2. Herbal Tea: Non-caloric herbal teas are often allowed and can provide flavor variety without adding calories.
  3. Black Coffee: Some ProLon cycles permit black coffee consumption. It’s usually recommended to have it without adding sugar, cream, or other high-calorie additives.
  4. Green Tea: Green tea is often included in the ProLon program. It contains antioxidants and provides a mild amount of caffeine.
  5. L-Drink: The ProLon kit may include a specific beverage called L-Drink, designed to support hydration and provide essential nutrients during the fasting days.

It’s crucial to adhere to the specific guidelines provided with your ProLon kit for the cycle you are following. The program is carefully designed to provide the benefits of fasting while ensuring that you receive essential nutrients in a controlled manner.

If you have specific questions about beverages or if you want to customize your intake, it’s advisable to contact ProLon’s customer support or consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance. Always follow the recommended guidelines for the best results and to ensure a safe fasting experience.


In conclusion, Can you drink coffee on ProLon? yes, you can drink coffee on ProLon. In fact, when consumed mindfully, it can complement your fasting experience and offer certain benefits. Remember to keep it black, stay hydrated, and be attuned to your body’s signals. Enjoy your ProLon journey, and savor that cup of coffee as you nourish your body and promote longevity.

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